Friday, September 23, 2022

Digital Communication

We are in a time where we all are using some form of digital communication. Let it be email, text message or even watching a YouTube video. I choose this topic cause as technology evolves, us as in humans really depend on digital communication, I know I do. I do use my phone more than a laptop or computer but after taking this class I think my computer usage has almost surpass my phone usage. Just kidding I still use my phone for everything except for this class. From getting my work schedule to online banking to paying bills to short texts message from my family in Hawaii or North Carolina. Its very convenient and super fast. I think its great that we can send messages across the world and it get to the recipient in matter of seconds. I tend to use my phone for everything, so there is one thing I have to worry about and it was one of our topics in class. The infamous SSO, I can admit if something was to happened to my phone I would be lost for a bit, but still can manage to communicate. That's why I always carry a pen and paper with me, just in case I have to send a paper message (just kidding). Yes digital communication is everywhere no matter if you think you don't use them. You have been in some form or another.


  1. Yes, technology evolves and seems to be evolving faster and faster!

    I remember when I was a college student, one source opined that computing devices were becoming more about communicating instead of about computing (calculating) devices :-)

    Hmm... how would one send a paper message? Fold it into an airplane and send it into air? ;-p

    Well said about digital communication is everywhere even if we directly use them ourselves ^_^

  2. I agree with your statement “digital communication is everywhere”. I often think about how digital communication will evolve in the years to come.

  3. Let me tell you the phone beats pagers. Try to find a phone booth these days that is not broken or stolen? Superman would have major issues. Can't wait to see what new technology is around the corner.

  4. I love the many options of digital communications, especially in the workplace. I utilize email and Microsoft Teams/Skype for Business A LOT. I would rather send an email or a quick message than talk to someone in person or over the phone. One reason I prefer these methods is that I get it in writing (evidence of what was said). That's my auditor mind for you - if you don't have proof/evidence, then it didn't happen. Such a curse sometimes. *hehehehe*

  5. I entirely agree with you! Mobile phones have now become an indispensable part of our lives. Because it really brings us convenience in all aspects far beyond the basic functions of talking and texting!

  6. I agree that we have great results with the decades passing by, when it comes to telecommunications. We would have a much harder time if we did not have electricity to even use the internet or the devices we all rely on everyday. All we can really do is adapt and learn, also don't get left behind the trend. I believe we have not met the final form of communications just yet.

  7. Technology, technology, technology! It has indeed come a long way. I remember before computers were available to the public, I had to go to the library to do research for school work. Snail mail was the primary way of getting documents to their destination, and public phones were always in demand for those who did not have a landline at home. Imagine, if all technology were to fail, would you know how to use retro-technology for communication?

  8. I enjoyed the tone of this article, I tend to carry a pen as well but that's out of forgetting to leave it at my desk rather than being productive.

  9. Technology can only go far as the battery lasts. A Pen and Paper can not be beat.

  10. Digital communication has especially done wonders for those who have a harder time expressing their words in-person (aka me because I like to take time to think)!

  11. Digital communication is the part of everyone's life now it makes it so much easier to communicate with others and we consume so much information now since it is readily available in the palms of our hands now.

  12. There's no stopping the evolution of technology. I can't wait to see how much more it'll change over the next decade.

  13. I also use my phone more than I use any other electronic device. My laptop because of school, is now coming in at a close second! Digital communication is the best.

  14. Technology has definitely come a long way. We all depend on digital communications for almost any long distance communication.

  15. It's interesting to see how intertwined our lives have become with technology.

  16. Knowing how far we have come as a result of technology and everything that it facilitates for us in terms of communication is stunning.

  17. Humanity has become so dependent on technology that we have forgotten how to depend on ourselves.

  18. Technology has a big impact in many peoples life, I definitely would be lost without my phone.

  19. I too use my phone for so many everyday things. I had to delete banking information from a few apps because of the ease that digital communication provided to spend money when I really didn't need too, yet it also provides a quick easy way for me to video chat with my sisters and nieces and nephews also in North Carolina at a moments notice if need be.
