Saturday, September 17, 2022

Time Management

 A fellow classmates was wondering, how much time do I study. First you have to understand I only have one class this semester, but to answer that question I put in 10-20 hours of homework. I do this in 2-3 days. The reason why I have to is, that my time is very limited on what I have to use it on. I do work for 6 different casino and try to have a life. With that being said I try to get all my work done on days that I am not schedule to work. Even though I think I have the day off I can get called into work from my other job. So I do try to manage my time very wisely. This pass week I only had one day off and spent it most of the time doing homework. I even had to fit a concert I had bought months ago in to the schedule. I also understand what is important, work, school, play time in that order. Last night a lot of my friends was trying to get me to go out for my birthday. Even though it was my birthday I still understood, I still have homework to do and school in the morning. If I went out, my homework wouldn't be done and the one thing I was afraid of was not making it to class. So managing my time is very important to me. I never know when I will have free time to do anything outside my schedule. Look at the bigger picture, when I graduate I will have more time to do whatever I want to do.


  1. Happy birthday Brian ^_^

    Another year older, another year wiser :-)

    Your choice to finish your coursework instead of heading out to celebrate is a strong indicator of your future success, not just in IS101-3012, Fall 2022, but your academic pursuit!

  2. Happy birthday! Captivating read on your take of time management. I respect how you dedicate 10-20 hours of your week in the span of 2-3 days because of life outside of school.

  3. Happy belated birthday Brian! Sacrificing going out for your birthday and staying home to do homework is admirable. I hope you still put some time aside for yourself and celebrate.

  4. Happy belated birthday Brian. Keeping our priorities in order is a great way to see successful outcomes of our goals. I see you have yours down pretty good. It all boils down to time management at the end and I feel that is what helps guide us to success.

  5. Brian, you are definitely my role model! Although I work 50-60 hours a week like you, I'm taking two courses this semester. But compared to you, take IS101, for example. I don't spend a third as much time and energy on this course each week as you do. Compared to the 10-20 hours you spend weekly, I'm humiliated. You really are a role model for me.

  6. Happy birthday fellow Virgo, I too had a birthday this month. Love the work ethic.

  7. I needed this advice. I am in a similar position but now see that I need to dedicate even more time to this class.

  8. Happy belated birthday! Time management is definitely important. Your hard work will all be worth it in the end.

  9. I definitely need to dedicate more time for this course.

  10. Time management is a real difficulty, particularly when working multiple jobs. I haven't been out with my friends since I started college. It was also my birthday on September 17, and I made the decision to stay home and finish some work since, like you said, it is better to get some vital work done.

  11. Happy Birthday Brian! Last year, I couldn't celebrate my birthday either because just that day I had to send two essays and take an exam. Today you sacrifice many things and tomorrow your effort and dedication will be rewarded. I wish you the best in your time management efforts, seems a bit too stressful for me. Hope you achieve the goals you set out to manifest.

  12. Happy Birthday Brian. I agree managing time is a necessity.

  13. Happy birthday. Managing your time is definitely important.

  14. Happy belated Birthday! You have amazing time management, many blessings to you and your fortune!

  15. BRIAN, THANK YOU! ^- T. that last line was so refreshing. Thank you for putting into words the expression I've been needing to put out there. "Look at the bigger picture, when I graduate I will have more time to do whatever I want to do." Thank you Brian it was an inspiration for me.

  16. It's great that you manage to organize your time so well! I agree that we have to be able to utilize whatever we have.

  17. That is definitely inspiring. I have to get moving.

  18. Happy belated birthday Brian, thank you for the inspiration putting school first does have a rewarding effect afterward.

  19. Time is one thing I wish I had more of, in more ways than one. I am squeezing in for classes to try to finish my degree within a year, the time I have left to utilize my GI-Bill benefits and also I feel like that is all the time I can continue to give my job before I look for employment else where. So kudos to you sir for having the mindset to prioritize your time and the discipline to follow through and continue to keep up the good work.
