Saturday, September 10, 2022

Hard Work Pays Off

Today was the second day of class. Knowing the fact that we had a bonus question quiz, I really wanted to do well. After the big work load we had the first week. I just wanted to answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Just banging out as much homework as I can handle, right before my crazy work schedule. I wasn't expecting to hear that I had the highest score in what, I cant remember. There is a huge party in my head that I even lost my train of thought and didn't remember what it was for. For me to hear something like this is a huge accomplishment for me. I never thought I was good enough for school. I always push myself to increase my education and to prove that I belong here. A huge thank you to professor Wu for answering all my question and even doing a WebEx while he was out at dinner. I am so happy right now I am even shaking. Eyes are getting watery knowing the fact that hard work pays off.


  1. Most welcome Brian :-)

    You earned the highest score on Bonus Quiz 2 ^_^

    You are definitely good enough for school. Hard work pays off indeed!

  2. Brian your work ethics are a blessing to the class. You show how much can get done with the right attitude. Look forward to working with you in class.

  3. Hard work pays off research how Tim Cook joined a dying company on the verge of collapse in 1998 called Apple and brought it to what it is now. First publicly traded company valued at 1 trillion dollars in 2018 and 2 trillion dollars in 2020 and then 3 trillion in 2022.

  4. Congratulations on getting the highest score on BQ2. It's all about due diligence my friend. I blanked out on the quiz; I didn't do too good. You are doing great!

  5. Hard work definitely pays off. Congratulations on getting the highest score. You got this!

  6. Congrats Brian! Love how you said that there's a huge party in your head, now I know I'm not alone. Hahaha

  7. Congratulations on achieving the highest grade in class on Bonus Quiz 02.Continue on the hard work you got this semester down!

  8. You are a motivation to me. You are good enough, Brian. Don't sell yourself short.

  9. I was so moved by your article that I was on the verge of tears. Work together! I believe you are the best. Everything's going to be okay, isn't it?

  10. Your ambition and motivation shows the talents you have. Great job.

  11. I believe you can do it! Look at you, already advancing! I hope you know every day is a day to be 1% better than you were yesterday. Hopefully you ace the next quiz!

  12. Congratulations! How often do you study the material? You will definitely exceed your own expectations and go far, good luck!

  13. Indeed, hard work pays off. As a result of all the efforts you made to comprehend the concept, you did manage to perform well. Congratulations!

  14. That's some powerful stuff right there! Keep going, I'm sure you'll reach your goals.

  15. Woohoo! Good job Brian! You have just proven to yourself that you are good enough, and that you do belong here.

  16. Hard work definitely pays off Brian. Don't give up and keep challenging yourself for always being the best. Behind a good student there is always an excellent teacher.

  17. Congrats on getting the highest score on the bonus quiz. Your hard work paid off.

  18. I just want to say how much I admire your drive and dedication. You are definitely making it look easy. Keep up the great work.

  19. Keep up the great work! Is this your car that's being shown as the background?

    1. I wish but this is my inspiration I do want a car like this.

  20. Congratulations on getting the highest score. :)

  21. Congratulations on your accomplishments and it's very inspiring to see you be able to feel that joy and use it as motivation to keep going and continue to do great work.
