Saturday, October 15, 2022

Going On Vacation With No Homework

For some of you may not know this about me is that I was never a school kind of guy. I had bad grades and I hardly ever showed up for class. After getting my GED in 2014 (18yrs later) I decided to go back to get my education. After raising a family and having work experience I knew I had to be focused and dedicated to get good grades. Being almost done with all my classes I went on vacation, but because I was so far ahead I was instructed to enjoy my family and not to do homework. The accomplishment that I have done was rewarding. I was able to spend time with my family and not stress about having to do homework. Cause I set my standards so high I felt like I missed a whole week of school. Yes I did bring my laptop and yes I did try to do homework (10 comments on blogger), but I was on vacation and I was told no homework while I was away. It felt so good that I didn't have to worry about homework the only thing that was bugging me was work. They was trying to get me to come in, and I even have a new place texting me for side work. All in all my vacation was amazing with no homework I just felt like I missed a week of school.


  1. Excellent decision of coming back to school after years of hiatus and your commitment and focus speak well of you ^_^

    You may have taken one week off from LabSim but you are still ahead of the curve!

    Glad you enjoyed your vacation :-)

  2. I have always said it is never too late to learn. I too decided to come back. Knowledge is a major force. The more the better.

  3. Working ahead does give you a sense of relief. You have the option to take a break or vacation if you work ahead.

  4. Great decision to come back to school I graduated high school in 2011 and just now decided to start college.

  5. I am always constantly reminded that it is never too late to start something. Right now, I feel pressured to zoom through my degree sheet because my high school graduating class is in their 3rd year of college while I'm in my 2nd. I know better than to burn myself out so I'm going about my journey at my own pace. Glad to see you enjoy a well-deserved vacation!

  6. I am happy that you were able to enjoy your vacation, Brian. You deserved it. :)

  7. DOOD Vibes!!! I feel happy that you got to take some mental stress off your plate. Congrats here's hoping for more good things to come.

  8. Brian, seems like it was a much deserved vacation. I hope you enjoyed yourself. It is a great feeling to be older and setting new life goals. Learning is a lifelong process. Making the best of it with great outcomes is the best reward.

  9. Great that you were able to able to enjoy your vacation without having to worry about work.

  10. Going on a vacation would be such a luxury at a time like this. Especially with the thought of having to do homework while on vacation, it would be stressful.

  11. Lucky guy to be going on vacation in the middle of the semester with no homework to worry about. Hahaha, but joking aside, well done working hard. You earned this, I'm glad you got to enjoy being around your family.

  12. I wish I was able to go on vacation! You sure are lucky. I hope school gets easier for you.

  13. Hats off to you! It's never too late to learn! Knowledge changes destiny! I sincerely believe this!

  14. The fact that there is always something bothering when you are on vacation, despite your best efforts to ignore it, is, in my opinion, what makes it the most difficult.

  15. That's some great time management on your end! Glad your vacation went well.

  16. Congrats to coming back to school! I am glad you had a vacation to reset, and welcome back to class! Lets finish this semester strong!

  17. I can not picture you having one bad grade ever.
