Saturday, October 22, 2022

We All Have A Story

Have you heard the term, " never judge a book by its cover". This blog is about people in general. Everyone has a story but are we willing to read the book or just the chapter or neither. You can relate the book being about the persons life and the chapter be years, months, weeks, or just days. Getting to know a person before you pass judgement maybe time consuming but just knowing or reading a page or two might give you a better perspective on how or why they are the way they are at the moment. I do fault myself at this at times. For the most part I try not to pass judgement on people before I get to know them. My book is still in the work and it's a very interesting to read. All in all is that before you pass judgement on a person read a page or two, so you have a better understanding of there life. 


  1. Well said about "Never judge a book by its cover" :-)

    Excellent choice of a blank cover and non-descript book to illustrate your point!

  2. Absolutely agree Brian, people have ideas of others before ever speaking with them. Some people have the most interesting stories if people are willing just to stop and listen.

  3. You never know who could be a Black Belt Judo Master walking around "never judge a book by its cover" holds true to its meaning.

  4. "Don't judge a book by its cover." I like this sentence very much! As another saying goes, "Some people are not very beautiful on the outside, but they are very kind at heart."

  5. I completely agree with this statement. It's easy to make quick judgments about people based on their appearance or the little information we know about them. We should always remember that everyone has a story and we don't know what they've been through.

  6. You make an excellent point Brian. It is true most people judge before they get to know someone. I stopped doing that for many reasons. You made the point perfectly clear with the blank book, like Mr. Wu stated.

  7. That's crazy, I was just thinking about this last night! I try not to pass judgment on others before getting to know them as well. During my childhood and teenage years, I used to be a bit close-minded because that's how it was in the environment I was raised in. If I ever run into those I've treated poorly in the past, I would 100% take advantage of the encounter to deeply apologize to them.

  8. Agreed, the power of vulnerability is not to be underestimated. When you let yourself come from a place of vulnerability and utilize it you allow yourself to be more open to those around you thus more open to their life's and not just their appearances.

  9. I agree with you Brian. Most of the time people become who they are because of their experiences and struggles that they have gone through.

  10. I enjoy reading personal posts like this. It is true that we do all have our own story and it is something I have been thinking about as well.

  11. I totally agree. We all have an individual storyline. My book is being written as we speak, each and every day is a living page in my book. The choice to read someone else's book should not be judged by its cover but the context of each word said. Every living detail of every day is important to each of our individual stories, it should be shared with the people we care about.

  12. I agree! I never will be one to judge in situations, we are all human and we all are going through life the same day. We are still learning and unlearning as we grow.

  13. I will share a little something about that. In between my executive days at target and other retail giants, I sold cars Honda and Toyotas. I was a cocky 30 something who thought I knew everything. When selling cars you never ever judge a book by its cover. I saw a young man come in and I thought he could not be any older than 13 or 14 years old. Man did I get a rude awakening. Instead of paying attention to this young man I basically ignored him and thought he was wasting my time. Within a hour he was back at the store not wanting me to help him. He was engaged with another sales person who sold him and his family 3 vehicles cash sales. From that moment on I never ever judged anyone when they came in. And made a point to train my sales teams to never pre judge anyone. Hard way to learn a lesson.

  14. Never judge a book by its cover is a notion I try to abide by. Maybe some of us don't want to reveal too much about ourselves, which is why our "cover" tends to say more than its insight pages.

  15. People can definitely surprise you if you give them the chance! I agree that's a great concept to keep in mind.
