Sunday, October 30, 2022


There is a reason to my madness of work but did I think it was gonna get this crazy, no  I didn't. Worked 11 straight days and at 3 different properties. This didn't even included my full time job that was calling me into work for uncovered shifts. Meanwhile will with any little spare time to do homework. I sucked it up an prepared to do my best. Going from early starts to late night I didn't really have time to eat. The one thing I had told myself was never miss school. Talked to the big boss man and he said "I am sorry but we need everyone that day". I asked to show up late but was then denied. That Saturday I found out why he needed everyone there. We was holding the Concord De Elegance Car Show which is one of the prestige car shows you can enter a vehicle in. Some people said they was invited in and some had to pay a big purse to enter. Cars from the 1920 to brand new exotics to one of a kind to cars in movies. This was one in the books for me. It took us 3 days to setup 30 bars and 4 bars was in the middle of the golf course. Yes you guessed it we didn't have any golf cart to transport anything out there. All we had was push cart and flatbed carts. My body was hurting after the break down of all the bars. Of course we had to take everything back once the show was done. I am so glad that I get the next 2 days off. Is it a day off when you are trying to play catch up.


  1. Working 11 days straight? Had to transport everything by push carts and flatbed carts?

    Glad you are taking only IS101 this semester :-)

    Take the next days off from IS101 to rest and recharge, Brian ^_^

    Even after taking two days off, you will still be ahead of the semester timetable!

  2. It's a good thing the weather is getting cooler to relieve at least some of the physical stress because I would have been praying hard to God for a miracle if I had to work that hard in hot conditions !

  3. Wow! You are a machine to work 11 straight days! I hope you at least got to take a look at the cars while you were there. Enjoy your much deserved rest.

  4. Brian, you are absolutely superman! I'm impressed with your strength and energy. I could never have done it! Of course. We've all seen how good you are.

  5. From a few of the greatest investors of our time, when you are tired learn to rest but don't give up. The reason I mention this is because in my life experience I have had to work 28 days straight, different locations of course. Best of luck to you and your career, don't work too hard.

  6. Holy cow! You are a beast. 11 days straight. Take those 2 days off and recover. I love old cars and I wish I could have gone to see them. I'm sure it was an amazing show.

  7. Wow, this sounds incredibly exhausting on top of frustrating! I am glad you got through it.

  8. Brian, I don’t know how you do it. My hat is off to you.

  9. 11 days straight sounds like the overtime I was pulling back when my job allowed virtually unlimited overtime. We had people pulling 16 hours even a few 24 hour shifts working armed security. I do miss that time because if I wanted something expensive it was within reach.

  10. Working 11 days straight sounds insane. Good job getting through it.

  11. I need some of that conviction! Also looking forward to the stories of that car show.

  12. 11 straight days could be a record? Great job to stay focussed and complete everything.

  13. You deserve some appreciation because that is a significant number of working days. I'm relieved that it's ended and that you're moving forward again.

  14. That's a crazy amount of days to work back-to-back I'm glad you managed to make it through alright!
