Sunday, November 6, 2022

When It Rains It Pours

When I started this class I didn't know what really to expect. Then I found my groove and was so far ahead that nothing could stop me. So I had thought. From the time I went on vacation till now I haven't been able to keep up with my studies. Work has become more demanding of me and big boss man said, "we are not slowing down". Which is always great to have work but if that's all your doing is it worth it. Since work has been more demanding, I ended up getting sick. I had no energy to get out of bed. Sleep was not a thing cause of tossing and turning and fevers at night. Trying to eat before taking your medications, ya sure no appetite. That's where the saying comes in, "when it rains it pours". With a little rain it turns into pouring rain, meaning when my issues started it was minor then grew into something bigger. When will it stop only time can tell.


  1. You are strong Brian and you will survive this pouring rain :-)

    You are still ahead of the semester timetable. Rest well and stay the course ^_^

  2. I hope you feel better soon. It's hard being sick. I understand. You are already excellent. As the Professor said, you are always ahead of most people in the class! I wish you a speedy recovery!

  3. Oh Brian, I hope you get some much needed rest. Taking care of yourself and your health is more important than worrying about work. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. I hope that you feel better. Remember that after the rain comes brighter days.

  5. Same my health barley started to recover. I wish you health Brian.

  6. Brian, you are really going through it. I have also been going through a lot but have been able to keep up. I was going to sleep past midnight for a week straight in order to stay on track. You will get caught up soon enough. I believe in you!

  7. I love that saying, "when it rains it pours"! Only time can tell, that's for sure. During times like these where you've fallen off track, there is nothing to do but stay the course as much as you can, so you don't end up falling even more behind. It feels best to stay on top 24/7, but then again, we're only human and life happens.

  8. Brian I can tell you been there and done that. When it rains it pours and to me it is how we handle the rain? You are young and strong. You will get through all of this and be stronger than ever. You are a good Man.

  9. I can buy an umbrella for you my friend, because when it rains it does pour.
    In my experience, asking myself how will I benefit from all the work I put into myself and at my job. The answer and outcome is like an equation from algebra. Until all the details in life make sense, please don't work yourself into death. Find a path where income is not the outcome of the equation but the benefit to the issue or problem. We can always work together to get solutions, but you only have one body to do it all, don't run down your body and get sick. You won't know if you will bounce back with full force.

  10. My condolences for this. Putting a lot of effort into something and then seeing no progress is incredibly frustrating.
