Monday, November 14, 2022


 When I was in high school I never had good grades. I really didn't pay much attention in class. Do I regret not being educated. Not really, the path that my life's journey has taken me to another form of education. I did learn how to become a server, then a bartender, an auto mechanic, and also a welder. My education journey was more of a hands on training. Let it be a trade or a hospitality training I was still getting my education. No I didn't get a fancy degree or a certificate, but I did get the knowledge and skills to perform those jobs. Some people say that they would do a redo of there life knowing what they know now. Makes you wonder if you redid your life with the knowledge you have. Would it be better or would it be worst? Just because some of us don't have a High school diploma or a college degree doesn't mean we are not educated. Yes knowledge is power, and the more you know the better off you will be.


  1. Well said about being educated even without a high school diploma or a college degree!

    Just because someone is NOT academically or professionally pedigreed (i.e. did NOT earn a degree or a certificate), it does NOT necessarily mean that they don't have the knowledge or experience :-)

    Being academically or professionally pedigreed DOES help employers and potential employers evaluate employees/applicants quickly and authoritatively ^_^

  2. A very educational blog! Your article let me know that the original degree is not so important, the pursuit of growth and success of the process is more exciting!

  3. There are plenty of successful people who say the same, Brian. I also agree.

  4. This is a mentally enriching blog post as college degrees don't always equate to a high paying job. Some people who have dropped out of college went on to make more money than one can verbally count in a lifetime i.e. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg.

  5. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg are all great examples of individuals who did not complete their education, but they have the best results. Ultimately what will you do to gain the best results of your own life? I am still on that journey to figure it out myself, I'll update you once I get there. Depending on the areas of your own life, what will you educate yourself on to gain an advantage in life? In my experience, education is the best weapon to use in everyday life and I also want to elevate my mindset.
    If the education journey is not about money or finances, then why are you on that journey? Having knowledge is power, but just like Spider-Mans uncle said, "Great power comes with great responsibility". Are you ready for that?

  6. I agree with your post Brian. I too believe that a degree does not define one's ability to succeed. There are many successful business owners that did not complete their college education or get their degrees.

  7. I agree with you Brian. It's sad that many people think being financially stable or successful requires a degree.

  8. I didn't pay attention in class at all as well. Even though I did graduate, my will to continue my education died at the end of my freshman year, so I really can't recall much from high school. What happened after high school is very much memorable and I value those learning experiences because it was hands-on - very similar to your experience :)

  9. This post reminds me of the übermensch in Thus spoke Zarathustra, by Friedrich Nietzsche.

  10. I agree Brian; knowledge is not only gained in the classroom. I believe learning a trade is just as valuable as earning a degree. Honestly, you don't need a piece of paper to tell you that you're educated in a certain area. Your skills and experience will speak volumes more.

  11. Knowledge is power regardless of how you obtain it. No one has to be a Harvard Grad to be successful. Hard work always pays off and with it comes knowledge.

  12. Even while attending school and earning excellent grades are important components of education, one's level of education largely depends on their life experiences and their decision to take on challenges. I thought it was amusing how some parents would blame the teacher if their children turned out badly, but it truly relies on their environment and how well-aware they are of morality.
