Saturday, October 8, 2022

Printing Files

I am an old school kind of guy. What I mean by that is I like to have a hard copy in my hand. This is where we are able to print files to be able for quick reviews of something that is more portable than a desktop or a laptop or even a tablet. Not every employer will give there staff a tablet to go to work with. So printing out a brief description of your job duties will come in handy. Imagine trying to remember 20 to do thing for your whole day, if not always running to a near by office to see what is the next thing on your to do list. Having a printed copy of the list that your able to fold, crumble, tear up, and mark on is way better and cost efficient for employers.


  1. Don't think the preference or need for hard copy will ever go away :-)

    Can't really fold, crumble, tear up, or easily/quickly mark up a tablet device, can we?

  2. Well, I hope everybody still likes to read from a piece of paper rather than their mobile device. Go look around campus, compare and see how everyone else thinks they are "learning" between hard paper and electric devices. Let me know what you guys find out.

  3. Paper medium can not be beat as it does not require a power supply

  4. Paper is my preference as well. Even with these e-texts, where your eyes are constantly focused on the screen. Over time, your eyes get damaged. But with hard copies, it's easier to focus on and if you need to annotate, the side margins are great to use. Highlighting in a computer based text can sometimes be difficult. Paper all the way here!

  5. I used to enjoy making copies of everything and taking notes on paper. I now use my tablet or laptop to take notes and organize my tasks and schedule. I can easily look up key words by using Ctrl F.

  6. Paper is good because it doesn't need to be charged.

  7. So many employers still use physical time cards too! My current employer is attempting to move away from paper but sometimes you literally do need a PAPER trail.

  8. These days I don't print much as I will keep important items in a marked file. I do print some items, not many

  9. I have mixed results on this, I personally like physical notes and references when I can yet find myself often using Word instead of pen and paper.

  10. I side with Saul 100% on this. Ctrl + F is a lifesaver. I like how everyone has a personal preference! For me, I like doing things digitally, especially my notes, because they're stored easier. For lists, however, I like to have a physical copy.

  11. I like using paper much more. It is such an efficient way to keep me updated on what I need to do next.

  12. Personally, when writing things down with a paper and pen, I find that I remember it better. If I type it onto a Word document or Notes tab, I can't recall it as easy.

  13. I also like the original recording method (pen and paper). This benefit is convenient to carry and, more importantly, can assist my memory!

  14. I've always enjoyed keeping physical notebooks and planners but after this class I see myself moving a lot of my notes to a digital format.

  15. You are the second person I have seen say on their blog that they prefer printers, and I must admit that I kind of agree with them in that they make it easier for us to access documents more quickly. However, I might claim that some devices let you take notes just like you would on paper, which is even more practical.

  16. I always have kept physical copies of all documentation I have, for a redundancy reason it gives me peace of mind I have a back up of critical documentation.

  17. Nothing will ever beat having an actual hard copy in-hand.
