Sunday, November 27, 2022

I Feel Good

Well today was a great day. Even though I spent most of the day in front of the computer. I was finishing up on my Form B for the MO-300 after scoring an 86%. I reached out to Professor Wu that I would be ready to take the MO-300. He was ecstatic about that and told me to do A.4 so it can better prepare me for the test. Well while I was doing prep for A.2 (yes I said A.2) I had inform him its gonna take me a lot longer than I had planned. Come to find out I was doing the wrong section I needed to do. After completing the correct work. I proceeded to take the MO-300. I was stressing out because I knew you had only 2 minutes to spend on each question. I had an issue with one in particular and killed a bunch of time. Coming to the end of the test I only had seconds to spare. I believe I only answered the first question of the last section and I had to hit the submit button cause time was gonna run out. All that was playing in my head was that in class Professor was saying no one ever fails this test. I was thinking to myself OMG am I going to be the first failure. Professor came on and was giving me the speech of its ok you can try again. When the test score come back with a pass we both was in amazed that I had just passed and not even answering the last section. Hell ya I just passed the MO-300. So my girlfriend and I went to celebrate with buying Christmas decoration for her apartment which is a huge plus. She's all alone here and she wasn't in the holiday spirit. We went to Bellagio to see the Christmas decorations and now we are decorating for Christmas.


  1. Congrats on passing MO-300 and becoming the sixth MOS Associate in IS101-3012, Fall 2022, Brian!

    Glad A.4 further helped you prepare for MO-300 PowerPoint :-)

    Very glad to hear you went out to celebrate your success with your girlfriend ^_^

  2. Brian, you are amazing! Congratulations on passing the MOS-300! Let's go out and drink this Christmas!

  3. It's so great to see finding alternative ways to put a smile on someone else's face when they aren't in the holiday spirit. Congrats on passing MO-300! Did you find it easier or faster to get through than Excel? I have yet to take my MO-200 still *sigh*.. but after I take it, I plan to dedicate a lot of my time to MO-300 to progress quickly.

  4. Congratulations on passing the MO-300 by far the easiest one so far.

  5. Congratulations Brian! I knew you could do it. Celebrating after a stressful exam with your girlfriend is a great way to celebrate success. I'll be going to Chicago to celebrate this semester's accomplishments, as well as to visit family and friends.

  6. Look at you! I didn't even know that was possible. I am less nervous about taking this one after reading your post.

  7. Congratulations on passing the MO-300. I liked the music video that you added. Always celebrate accomplishments, no matter how small they are.

  8. Cheers to feeling good!!! I must say, I have been in the feel good spirits lately as well. A lot of things are happening in life. No set direction but the goal is always the same. Being by myself is hard as well, but with the right people beside me, it makes each day a little easier.

  9. Aw, lovely Im happy for you ^_ ^, I hope you both enjoy the holidays.

  10. Yay! Now on to MO-201! Glad to see you're getting your girlfriend into the Christmas spirit! Time to start some new Christmas traditions with her. Maybe some matching Christmas jammies for Christmas Eve? :)

  11. Congratulations. Getting into the spirit of Christmas is always fun.
