Saturday, December 3, 2022

Selecting a Printer

When its time to select a printer you have to understand a few facts of a printer before you purchase one. So some of the fact that you should be looking into is size, capacity, speed, quality, and the cost. These are what I think are very important to look at first before deciding on what printer would work for you. I own a few printers and found this out by trial and error. So lets got through this to get a better understanding.

SIZE - Looking into the size of a printer may help you what direction you would have to lean into when and where your printer will be located. Will it be on a table/desk or a stand alone system. How much room do you have to spare?

CAPACITY - How much are you going to use the printer? Do you have to print out 100's of paper for school or work? Or is it you are just printing out 20 per week? If it just a few pages a week then the paper capacity doesn't have to be extremely large.

SPEED - How fast do you need these pages to print out? If speed doesn't matter to you this might help you on the cost of the printer. The faster you want it to print the more expensive the printer will get.

QUALITY - This is for me is about how my pages turns out. Just because you have a cheap printer that doesn't matter so long the prints are very clean/legible. 

COST - Is something you would have to do your research on. Yes laser printers are more expensive up front but inkjet printers in the long run are more expensive to maintain. You also have to look into the cost of the ink or toner and how often you would have to replace them. 

Here is same additional information from LabSim 2.1.10 to get a better understanding of some fact you should consider.

Inkjet printers spray small dots of ink from an ink reservoir onto a sheet of paper. Inkjet printers can produce high-quality output and are relatively inexpensive to purchase. However, they have several disadvantages.
  • Replacement ink cartridges are expensive.
  • Ink cartridges have limited print capacities.
  • The ink tends to bleed into the paper.
  • Prints tend to fade over time.
  • The ink will run if it gets wet, unless special water-resistant ink is used.

Laser printers use electrical charges and heat to fuse tiny plastic particles (called toner) to the paper. Laser printers have the following advantages over other types of printers:
  • They produce higher-quality print output.
  • They can print documents much faster.
  • They are ideal for large volume print jobs.
  • Replacement toner cartridges are more economical than inkjet cartridges.
  • They are better suited for sharing over a network.
  • The ink is waterproof and doesn't fade.
  • The output doesn't bleed into the paper.
Laser printers have the following disadvantages:
  • They are more expensive to purchase.
  • They are more difficult to maintain.


  1. Great job on grabbing the screenshots from LabSim and add expand on Size, Capacity, Speed, Quality, Cost ^_^

    Thank you for this summary to people selecting a type of printer!

    Hmm... When I began began teaching IS101 in 1999, I always helped students compare three types of printers. Nowadays, no one would even know what a Dot Matrix printer is anymore.

  2. Learning to select a printer is crucial. The key points you mentioned are spot on. My top 2 are speed and quality. I prefer laser printers over inkjet.

  3. Wow the cost of an laser printer is astronomical. Who wouldn't prefer a laser printer as the quality is the best. My experience is mostly dealing with inkjet printers. It will be some time before I invest in a printer of high quality. I am content with the inkjet printers we have in school.

  4. Last year, I was looking for printers because I had so many guided lecture notes for biology and math. A big issue I had with my old printer was the ink running out fast, so I definitely looked into alternatives and came upon laser printers. Investing in one was the best decision ever.

  5. I had to purchase a printer when my kids had to do school from home during C-19. I signed up for a subscription plan where HP will send us ink when our levels get low. I don't have to go out looking for ink, it just automatically comes in the mail. So convenient.

  6. There's definitely more to printers than most of us think.

  7. Don't foregut to keep in mind the printed pages till maintenance is needed, those rollers don't take care of themselves. At my current job my boss all ready has his N+, A+, CCNA and many other computer certs and I always have a laugh when he places a work order to fix the printer. For those of you wondering the company just wont let him order the parts and fix it.

  8. I'm a huge fan of HP. I've had my HP printer for about five years now and it is amazing. I'm at a point where I now need to update it and it is difficult to select the perfect printer. I've weighed my options on a laser instead of inkjet. I'm a big color printer so I'm leaning towards keeping inkjet.

  9. I am interested in purchasing a printer next year because we began printing our photos in PHO 101. One of the techniques for improving a photography skillset and potentially setting up a side hustle is prints.

  10. Thanks for sharing; I know that choosing a printer is actual knowledge!
