Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Farewell IS101

It has come to this, the final days of IS101. Can't believe the end is here. How time flies when you are having fun. This is far the best class that I have taken. From Professor Wu and all his support and time he has put into each and everyone of us to my peers. Just wanted to say Happy holidays to everyone from my family to yours. Have a happy and safe New Year. 



  1. Time flies indeed!

    So glad to hear IS101-3012, Fall 2022 is the best class you have taken so far ^_^

    Happy holidays Brian and please keep in touch :-)

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  3. Time definitely flew with this semester while taking the best class of Fall 2022 IS101-3012. I remember the first week of September I purchased my first professional camera for my Photography 101 class by Theresa Gingras. I shared my progress with the camera from beginner mistakes to know a more skilled environment in the blogger assignment for this class. If anyone is looking for an elective with lasting impact on your personal or professional development as an elective I highly recommend picking that class.

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  5. Feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo!

  6. Have a happy and safe holiday! I enjoyed this class as well; I thought it was going to be difficult, but it was actually pretty fun to work with Microsoft Office programs that are used in professional environments.
