Friday, September 23, 2022

Digital Communication

We are in a time where we all are using some form of digital communication. Let it be email, text message or even watching a YouTube video. I choose this topic cause as technology evolves, us as in humans really depend on digital communication, I know I do. I do use my phone more than a laptop or computer but after taking this class I think my computer usage has almost surpass my phone usage. Just kidding I still use my phone for everything except for this class. From getting my work schedule to online banking to paying bills to short texts message from my family in Hawaii or North Carolina. Its very convenient and super fast. I think its great that we can send messages across the world and it get to the recipient in matter of seconds. I tend to use my phone for everything, so there is one thing I have to worry about and it was one of our topics in class. The infamous SSO, I can admit if something was to happened to my phone I would be lost for a bit, but still can manage to communicate. That's why I always carry a pen and paper with me, just in case I have to send a paper message (just kidding). Yes digital communication is everywhere no matter if you think you don't use them. You have been in some form or another.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Time Management

 A fellow classmates was wondering, how much time do I study. First you have to understand I only have one class this semester, but to answer that question I put in 10-20 hours of homework. I do this in 2-3 days. The reason why I have to is, that my time is very limited on what I have to use it on. I do work for 6 different casino and try to have a life. With that being said I try to get all my work done on days that I am not schedule to work. Even though I think I have the day off I can get called into work from my other job. So I do try to manage my time very wisely. This pass week I only had one day off and spent it most of the time doing homework. I even had to fit a concert I had bought months ago in to the schedule. I also understand what is important, work, school, play time in that order. Last night a lot of my friends was trying to get me to go out for my birthday. Even though it was my birthday I still understood, I still have homework to do and school in the morning. If I went out, my homework wouldn't be done and the one thing I was afraid of was not making it to class. So managing my time is very important to me. I never know when I will have free time to do anything outside my schedule. Look at the bigger picture, when I graduate I will have more time to do whatever I want to do.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Hard Work Pays Off

Today was the second day of class. Knowing the fact that we had a bonus question quiz, I really wanted to do well. After the big work load we had the first week. I just wanted to answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Just banging out as much homework as I can handle, right before my crazy work schedule. I wasn't expecting to hear that I had the highest score in what, I cant remember. There is a huge party in my head that I even lost my train of thought and didn't remember what it was for. For me to hear something like this is a huge accomplishment for me. I never thought I was good enough for school. I always push myself to increase my education and to prove that I belong here. A huge thank you to professor Wu for answering all my question and even doing a WebEx while he was out at dinner. I am so happy right now I am even shaking. Eyes are getting watery knowing the fact that hard work pays off.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

First impression of IS101

Today was my first day in IS101. I was really nervous to start this class cause from what I have heard about this class from other students. I was told if I didn't know much about computers that I would have a difficult time. After talking to Professor Wu on WebEx, he assured me that I would be very successful if I applied the work and time in this class. After the first day of school in class I see that this class was to help us learn about how to use and master the MOS. I wish I knew what IS101 was about before taking a few of my other classes cause this would have helped me out. All in all I should have done my research and check out the layout of the class in stead of listening to other students that gave me the wrong impression of IS101.