Sunday, November 27, 2022

I Feel Good

Well today was a great day. Even though I spent most of the day in front of the computer. I was finishing up on my Form B for the MO-300 after scoring an 86%. I reached out to Professor Wu that I would be ready to take the MO-300. He was ecstatic about that and told me to do A.4 so it can better prepare me for the test. Well while I was doing prep for A.2 (yes I said A.2) I had inform him its gonna take me a lot longer than I had planned. Come to find out I was doing the wrong section I needed to do. After completing the correct work. I proceeded to take the MO-300. I was stressing out because I knew you had only 2 minutes to spend on each question. I had an issue with one in particular and killed a bunch of time. Coming to the end of the test I only had seconds to spare. I believe I only answered the first question of the last section and I had to hit the submit button cause time was gonna run out. All that was playing in my head was that in class Professor was saying no one ever fails this test. I was thinking to myself OMG am I going to be the first failure. Professor came on and was giving me the speech of its ok you can try again. When the test score come back with a pass we both was in amazed that I had just passed and not even answering the last section. Hell ya I just passed the MO-300. So my girlfriend and I went to celebrate with buying Christmas decoration for her apartment which is a huge plus. She's all alone here and she wasn't in the holiday spirit. We went to Bellagio to see the Christmas decorations and now we are decorating for Christmas.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Step Back

Have you ever took a step back for a minute to wonder what are you doing with your life. I believe I have couple of times but never took it to consideration of what to do next. Not until last year when I lost my step father he was only 68. We never was on the same page (butting heads). I don't mean this to be a sad blog or for you to feel sorry for me but kind of want you to open your eyes. I just turned 42 that year. Two days later I get a phone call from my mom saying he wasn't feeling good and she was driving him to the hospital. She had also asked me to come keep her company so she wasn't alone. It was like she knew something was up cause this was the first time she had asked me to come to the hospital. They have gone there many of times and they would be out within the hour with medication in hand. As I was making my way down to the hospital (2 exit away) my phone was ringing, it was mom. She's crying saying he's gone. I was like "what do you mean he's gone". That's all she could say and was repeating herself, "he's gone he's gone". My mom had one more year to retire with her husband. She was a single mother raising 2 kids. I was 11 when my parents divorce. She did all that hard work and now she's doesn't have her husband. So from that day I took a step back and looked at my life and asked myself, "what am I doing"? All I am doing is working hard and going to school. Yes we all still need a job to pay bill but if you cant enjoy life with your other half or the special people in your life are you really living life? So I've decided to scale back a little bit and enjoy what life has to offer. I've been going to concerts, Raider games, VGK games, and surrounding myself with the people that makes me happy. Yes I will still work all of my jobs and finish my school but also will make time for the people in my life. What I saw when I took a step back is that tomorrow is not a guarantee but you can always look forward to tomorrow, cause when you wake up you know you have another day. Make the best of your life, take a step back and evaluate your life. It took me 42 years to do it, I wish I would of done it sooner.

Monday, November 14, 2022


 When I was in high school I never had good grades. I really didn't pay much attention in class. Do I regret not being educated. Not really, the path that my life's journey has taken me to another form of education. I did learn how to become a server, then a bartender, an auto mechanic, and also a welder. My education journey was more of a hands on training. Let it be a trade or a hospitality training I was still getting my education. No I didn't get a fancy degree or a certificate, but I did get the knowledge and skills to perform those jobs. Some people say that they would do a redo of there life knowing what they know now. Makes you wonder if you redid your life with the knowledge you have. Would it be better or would it be worst? Just because some of us don't have a High school diploma or a college degree doesn't mean we are not educated. Yes knowledge is power, and the more you know the better off you will be.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

When It Rains It Pours

When I started this class I didn't know what really to expect. Then I found my groove and was so far ahead that nothing could stop me. So I had thought. From the time I went on vacation till now I haven't been able to keep up with my studies. Work has become more demanding of me and big boss man said, "we are not slowing down". Which is always great to have work but if that's all your doing is it worth it. Since work has been more demanding, I ended up getting sick. I had no energy to get out of bed. Sleep was not a thing cause of tossing and turning and fevers at night. Trying to eat before taking your medications, ya sure no appetite. That's where the saying comes in, "when it rains it pours". With a little rain it turns into pouring rain, meaning when my issues started it was minor then grew into something bigger. When will it stop only time can tell.